News writers and bloggers create BrainFaze. The main purpose of BrainFaze is to provide our readers with the latest information as quickly as possible. Many experienced writers are working tirelessly day and night to create this news blog. BrainFaze’s main goal is to build a loyal reader base that follows online news through the web and mobile devices. We strive to provide fast and accurate news on a wide range of topics, including automobile news, information of interest, technology news, and entertainment news.
Our Story
When we were planning this website, there was one thing we knew. That’s because we want to be different from other news websites. To achieve this format, we conducted several surveys and did a lot of research to understand the mindset of our target audience. This idea took about a year to develop because user satisfaction is our top priority. The purpose of BrainFaze is to provide users with information that is useful in their daily lives, as well as content that provides entertainment and satisfies their desire to read.
BrainFaze’s Team
Ravi Rawani
Suraj Kumar
Priyanshu Kumar
Raja Vishwakarma
Devkundan Mehta
Sahil Kumar
Tannu Kumari
Aabhash Chandra
Basant Yadav